First and foremost is individual liberty
“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive….those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.” — C.S. Lewis
Limited government
Keep your money
Peace and prosperity
Limited government
The federal government intrudes into every part of our lives, violating the Constitution along the way.
Eliminate Federal departments which have no Constitutional basis to exist starting with Education, Commerce, and Homeland Security.
Protect free speech and stop harassing people who just want to hold government accountable.
Extend our right to keep and bear arms so we can protect ourselves and our other rights.
End the Surveillance State of the Patriot Act which has never caught a terrorist.
Force Congress to approve regulations before they come into effect.
KEEP your money
taxation is theft. this is not just a hashtag, it is a fact.
You work hard for your money and no one has any business saying you should have to give it up. Before the income tax America had roads, schools, police, courts, and a competent military. The country was also the fastest growing, most prosperous nation in the world. Taxes simply take money away from those who produce and give it to those who do not.
Over the last century our government has proven that markets are far more efficient means of spreading wealth than the central planning of bureaucrats. Whether its the income tax or the Federal Reserve printing money, the politicians are destroying your ability to live for yourself. It is time for that to end.
Let us make this building, IRS headquarters, unimportant.
Peace And Prosperity
Bring our troops home so we can have peaceful and productive relationships.
In his classic novel, 1984, George Orwell described the war Oceania was fighting. He wrote, “The war is not meant to be won, it is meant to be continuous.” Today libertarians call it the Forever War. Except it is not fiction. The United States has had a permanent presence in the Middle East since before I was born. Lebanon, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria—and no end in sight. It took just four years to defeat the two most powerful nations on earth and that was 80 years ago. If we meant to win, surely we could have done it in by now.
Our continued presence in the region only causes more anger and grief, it is time to let someone else handle the problem. We can focus our efforts on maintaining a robust national defense, trading peacefully with others so we can all become more prosperous.
waste is a fact of life in D.C.
A significant part of our national debt is from foolishly spent money. Whether it is Covid relief fraud which never should have been appropriated or the military spending billions of dollars to force unproven technology into their latest wonder weapon, the bureaucrats in Washington are incapable of handling our money. Report after report of ludicrous spending items continue to come out of the massive spending bills with thousands of pages, pushed through Congress in just days.
Too often, Congress and the President just want to be seen doing something, regardless of the consequences. That is how you end up more than $30 Trillion in debt, financed to the point where our grandchildren will be paying, decades from now, for our way of life today. It does not work, if it did we would not need a new stimulus bill every few months. It will not be easy and it will not be fixed tomorrow, but we can make it better for our future.