Detailed Policy Positions

First and foremost is individual liberty

The bill of rights Describes human rights

Your rights are natural, they do not come from the Constitution. You have the right to:

  1. Complain to your school board without being investigated by the police.

  2. Record your interactions with public officials.

  3. Practice your religion and assemble peaceably (meet for church, even during Covid).

  4. Defend yourself from those who would seek to hurt you (all gun laws are infringements).

  5. Be secure in your papers and communications (end Patriot Act spying on Americans).

  6. Be secure in your home (end the Community Caretaking exception; support Castle Doctrine).

  7. Sue the police when they violate your rights (end qualified immunity).

  8. Keep what you own (end Civil Asset Forfeiture; eminent domain in extreme cases only).

  9. Due process (no “Red Flag” laws; no limiting of anyone’s liberties without criminal conviction).

  10. Know the law—they should be clear and established regulations should not be changed on the whim of the next President.

Your money does not belong to the government

You work hard for your money. You gave up your time, intelligence, and sweat to earn it. That money literally represents a portion of your life and no one should be able to take it from you, even if they vote on it.

  1. End the Income Tax, it is incompatible with the Bill of Rights. The government should not be able to take what you earned without due process, simply because they cannot maintain a budget.

  2. I put this in the Bill of Rights section above but it is worth repeating: Civil Asset Forfeiture cannot be allowed to continue. Most victims of this practice only have enough taken that it will be more expensive to get their property back than it is worth. Forfeiture is literally what the British Navy did to John Hancock.

  3. The property you buy with your money is also yours. The government should not be able to take it away by changing regulations. Whether guns, gas powered cars, or whatever is next on the looter agenda, your property is yours.

government spending it out of control

Government creates problems, then they saddle our grandchildren with debt to pay for solutions to the problems government created.

  1. The National Debt triples in size about every ten years. At this rate, debt will reach $100 trillion some time before 2050. That’s a bill that our children and grandchildren are going to have to pay.

  2. To pay for all of this, money is printed by the Federal Reserve. Really, printing is no longer necessary, the money is just lent out digitally. Massive increases makes dollars less valuable, so that when you save for your children’s college fund, by the time they are ready, the value is less than when you put it in there.

  3. Government creates this problem. By picking winners and losers to hand out money to. By providing lucrative contracts to the friends of bureaucrats. By trying to make people live the way they want us to, whether that way works for us or not. They create a bubble, it bursts, and they pay us off with future dollars.

regulations are not laws

Laws are enacted by Congress and made law by approval of the President, not the other way around.

  1. The Code of Federal Regulations, the list of regulations created by bureaucrats, is over 180,000 pages long. That’s incomprehensible. Estimates are that the average American commits 3 crimes a day. That was over 10 years ago, and the list of regulations has only grown.

  2. Whenever a President dislikes a law they just change the regulations surrounding them. The lawyers make up new wording they think they can get past the judges. This type of activity has to stop. How can you live your life if the law can just change drastically from one day to the next?

  3. All regulations should have to be approved by Congress before they can have the force of law. That makes sure that the regulation says what Congress intended. Is that cumbersome? Does that make Congress’ job harder? Yes, and that’s how it should be.

  4. All gun laws and regulations infringe on the Second Amendment.